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2021 Analysis of Middle East UAE electricity market

Writer: Hengfeng you electric Time:2021-07-07 views:times

2021 Analysis of Middle East UAE electricity market
In the world, the United Arab Emirates has one of the highest per capita electricity consumption in the world. At present, the per capita electricity consumption is more than 10000kw / year (average 732 kwh for Chinese residents in 2019), ranking among the top ten in the world per capita electricity consumption list. The UAE is also part of the GCC interconnection grid (including those in shatrab, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar). In April 2011, the United Arab Emirates interconnected its power grids with four other countries, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar.
At present, there are four large state-owned utilities operating in the power industry of UAE, including Abu Dhabi hydropower authority (adwea), Dubai hydropower authority (dewa), Sharjah hydropower authority (Sewa) and federal hydropower authority (fewa). These four utilities operate in their respective UAE. Abu Dhabi hydropower authority (adwea) accounts for 47.6% of the total installed capacity of the country, followed by Dubai hydropower authority (dewa), accounting for 33.8%, and Sharjah hydropower authority (Sewa), accounting for 13.4%. In addition, as the whole distribution field is completely controlled by state-owned enterprises and the electricity price is completely regulated by the government, there is a lack of competition in the electricity retail market of UAE.
Masdar solar, UAE
In 2020, the installed capacity will be 48564mw, and in 2021, it is expected to be 49620mw, which will basically maintain the annual installed capacity of 1000MW, and increase the annual purchasing demand of distribution equipment by US $3 billion.


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